A 35-Year Personal Compilation of  Extracted Quotes (Nos 701-750)

701   . . . wherever you go and whatever you do, be determined to enrich everything you touch…you may meet someone with a good idea but who is nervous to reveal his/her talent, you may meet someone who is depressed and the right word from you can lift the depression…in enriching the lives of other people your own life will be enriched beyond greatest expectations.  

702   . . . it is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others…it is from among such individuals that all human failures spring.  

703   . . . what you think, will be…if you think you will get little result it will come true…if you think big you will get a big result…what you are now is what you have been thinking for a long time…what you will be ten years from now on!…if you want a great life in the future, think great thoughts.  

704   . . . great things are done under the stress of an over-powering conviction of one’s ability to do what he undertakes… there is irresistible force in a powerful affirmative expressed with unflinching determination…  

705   . . . I remind myself that problems can get me down only if I ALLOW THEM… this I refuse to do… I rise above these present difficulties. I float over them.  

706   . . . these present difficulties will pass…soon things will be different…I shall have weathered the storm and I shall be all the more resilient as a result of these trials.  

707   . . . this is my testing time. I draw upon my inner resources, strength and patience and courage and hope well up from within me. I see myself emerging triumphantly…  

708   . . . I recall that others have had far worse problems than mine… they have survived and so shall I… i know that shortly these problems will be over…I rise with fresh confidence and initiative.  

709   . . . I acquire the winning spirit…i rise now, more than a conqueror over these present difficulties…i know that shortly these problems will be solved and settled…  

710   . . .  rudeness is the cancer that devours love…everyone knows this… yet it’s notorious that we are more polite to strangers than we are to our own relatives… 

711   . . . studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability…  

712   . . . practice courtesy all the time… it makes other people feel better… it makes you feel better too…  

713   . . . a humble simple attitude of gratitude and expectancy is essential for true cooperation with life… attitudes of self-importance and self aggrandizement only get in the way…  

714   . . . every person has two educations . . . one which he received from others and one more important, which he gives himself…  

715   . . . I begin today realizing that I shall be adequate for all demands made upon me…  

716   . . . I have the resources of a healthy body and sound mind with which to approach this day…  

717   . . . I will concentrate upon the task I am doing, leaving other tasks to be dealt with in their turn…  

718   . . . I will make something to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world about me…  

719   . . . I will distinguish between the important and the trivial and refuse to worry about things that do not really matter…  

720   . . .the man who has learned to enjoy work is best able to face retirement with  enthusiasm and vigor, because he will always have something to do, something he will enjoy doing… 2500 QUOTES FOR MENTORS,TEACHERS AND STUDENTS (PEARLS SERIES N0 15)
721   . . .  it is not work that kills me, it is worry…work is healthy… you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear… worry is rust upon the blade… it is not the revolution that destroys the machinery but the friction… fear secretes acids, but love and trust are sweet juices…  

722   . . . whatever comes to us in life we create first in our mentality… as the building is a reality, all its details in the architect’s mind before a stone or brick is added, so we later become a reality in our achievements.  

723   . . . the conclusion I have reached is that no life which does not radiate some measure of happiness to others can be accounted wholly successful…  

724   . . . the most important task imposed by religion has always been ‘Love thy Neighbor’ . . . it is  the individual who is not interested in his fellow man who has the greatest difficulties…  

725   . . . has someone hurt you? Perhaps you did something quite unintentionally that offended them and they spoke sharply and you were bitterly hurt.. it is possible that unkind things have been said to you and you cannot understand why this should be, and you felt wounded…there are so many things that can hurt if allowed to do so… there is really no reason at all why you should be hurt, for it’s a simple truth that you are hurt as far as you allow yourself to be hurt…

726    . . . suppose you’re sorry for yourself (may be you’ve an excuse) don’t dwell too long on all your ills, don’t think that you’re of no use…find somebody worse off than you . . . there must be something you can do.  

727   . . . to be worth anything, character must be capable of standing firm upon its feet in the world of daily work, temptation and trial… it must also be able to bear the wear and tear of actual life…cloistered virtues do not  count for much…  

728   . . . if you see anything that is worthy of praise, speak of it… even if you cannot do a worthy deed yourself, commend one who does… praise is a power for good… both God and man prize it… no prayer is complete without praise, fails doing as well as he can.  

729   . . .the heart is the symbol of creative activity… fire the heart with where you want to go and what you want to be…get it so deeply fixed in your unconscious that you will not take no for an answer. .. then your entire personality will follow where your heart leads…  

730   . . . you can do a thing if you try hard enough… 

731   . . . the test of a successful person is not an ability to eliminate all problems before they arise, but to meet and work our difficulties when they do.. we must be willing to make an intelligent compromise with perfection lest we wait for ever before taking action… it is still good advice to cross bridges as we come to them…  

732   . . .the secret of successful  living  is to discover your talent and use it to the maximum. You will discover that as you do this life takes on a new meaning as a positive approach and much to your surprise new talents are revealed…  

733   . . . NOW is the magic word of success… tomorrow, next week, later, sometimes, someday, often  are just synonymous for the failure word “never”…  lots of good  dreams do not come true because we say, “I’ll start someday “when we should say” “ I’ll start right now”  

734   . . . to have what we want is riches, but to be able to do without it is power.  

735   . . . no one was born to be miserable, to bring gloom into the world or to make others unhappy… it was intended that we should all be joyously happy… 

736   . . . quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but  go on in fortune or in misfortune at their own private pace like the ticking of a clock during a thunderstorm…  

737   . . . it is the mark of a superior man, that left to himself he is able endlessly to arouse interest and entertain himself out of his personal stock of medications, ideas, criticisms, philosophy, humor and what not…  

738   . . .  a problem, a difficulty, become unsolved only when you think it is unsolvable… attract solutions by believing solutions are possible… refuse, simply refuse to let yourself say or think that it is impossible…  

739   . . . a soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger…  

740   . . . every morning upon awakening start the daily practice of joyful thinking by passing a series of joyful thoughts through your mind.

741   . . . he who would climb a tree must grasp the branches, not the blossoms.  

742  . . . I remind myself that to have friends I must be one. At all times I not only show myself friendly but am prepared to make sacrifices to help others.  

743   . . . I dwell on the good qualities of all my acquaintances…i am therefore generous with complimentary and encouraging remarks… i let others know that I appreciate all that they are and all that they can do.  

744   . . . I realize that my acquaintances and I have so much in common. We share a common and frail humanity…we are brothers in the great family of man. Deep ties in fact already exist between us.  

745   . . . for want of self – restraint many men are engaged all their lives in fighting difficulties of their own making, and rendering success impossible by their own cross-grained ungentleness, while others, which may be much less gifted, make their way and achieve success by simple patience and self-control.  

746   . . . true religion is the life we live, not the creed we profess.  

747   . . . he who waits to do a great deal of good at once never do anything…  

748   . . . the fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him…  

749   . . . the greatest ornament of an illustrious life is modesty and humility which go a great way in the character even of the most exalted princess…  

750   . . . show me the man you honor and I will know that kind of man you are, for it shows me what your idea of manhood is, and what kind of a man you long to be… 

…possible mistakes?…ours with apologies…also note that some quotations might not have their originators names quoted.

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